Gear Software
We are committed on supporting the R&D efforts OEM gear , ODM gear , gear manufacturingof our customers thereby reducing the development costs.

We are committed on supporting the R&D efforts OEM gear , ODM gear , gear manufacturingof our customers thereby reducing the development costs.
Based on the required grinding stock, the appropriate protuberance at the tool can be calculated. When a protuberance is applied, an increased root fillet radius can be achieved.
Tools with a modified pressure angle and module are widely used for soft and hard machining.
This results in an improved tool life and optimized root form circle to achieve highest contact ratio.
At the click of a button, the grinding tool addendum can be calculated for different grinding process requirements such as the minimum required active root diameter, maximum root form diameter, grinding of root land, etc.
In KISSsoft, various modification types in profile and lead direction can be defined, such as tip and root relief with different transition types, end relief, twist, etc., and even topological modifications.
The gear modifications for left- or right-hand flanks can be defined independently of each other, to ensure an optimum drive or coast side meshing performance.
To identify stress concentration, an FEM calculation is used to analyze the tooth root stress present for root rounding or grinding notches.
A 2D FEM calculation is sufficient to determine the tooth root stress caused by grinding notches. A 3D FEM calculation is recommended if the influence of a flank modification is to be taken into account.
Natural twist occurs during threaded wheel grinding of helical cylindrical gears with crowning. This twist is simulated in KISSsoft and rated with the loaded tooth contact analysis (LTCA).
The loaded tooth contact analysis shows the behavior under load, such as stress distribution and contact pattern. The transmission error (PPTE) is used to analyze the noise excitation of gears.